About Absence Functions

Absence functions are system defined values which are used together with absence period types (defined in the Absence Configuration/Absence Period Definition tab) to divide the total absence duration reported by employees into smaller periods. The absence function determines how the absence duration is divided and the period type is used to identify each period.

There are separate functions defined for absence groups and absence types. Each absence function consists of a number of parameters as detailed below.

Absence Group Functions

  1. CON - Divides an absence on a specified day
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Days
    Number of days to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal.
    3 Payment ratio before
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    4 Payment ratio after
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    5 Period type before
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    6 Period type after
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)
    7 Summarize
    Day count option switch.
    Available values: 0 – count days from all periods, 1 – count days from current year only

    The CON function divides the absence after the exact number of days entered in the function parameter 2. Note that there are two possible day counting methods selected by parameter 7.

  2. SSI1 - Divides an absence period according to period count
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Days
    Number of days to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal.
    3 Payment ratio before
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    4 Payment ratio after
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    5 Period type before
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    6 Period type after
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)
    7 Sum period type
    Period type for sum
    The period type tag to be used for days summarizing.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).

    Function SSI1 divides the absence after the exact number of days summarized from all periods with the given type (parameter 7).

  3. SSI3 - Divides an absence period according to period duration
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Days
    Number of days to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal.
    3 Payment ratio before
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    4 Payment ratio after
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    5 Period type before
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    6 Period type after
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)
    7 Max break between absences
    Maximum length of break between absences, which doesn’t cause the days count resetting.
    Available values: any positive decimal.

Absence Type Functions

  1. DOCU - Divides an absence in the event of delay in the absence certificate delivery
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Deadline for submitting document
    Maximum acceptable number of days for absence document submitting.
    Available values: any positive decimal.
    3 Period type to divide;
    The period type tag of period to be divided.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    4 Ratio in (integer);
    The payment ratio to be applied for the period generated between absence document date and submitted date.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    5 Period type before/after;
    The period type tag to be applied for the period generated before absence document date and after submitted date.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    6 Period type in
    The period type tag to be applied for the period generated between absence document date and submitted date.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).

    The DOCU function divides the absence when the delays in submitting absence documents are required to be indicated. The possible division points are based on registered absence information: Absence Document Date and Submitted Date and controlled by the function parameter 2. The absence can be divided into 2 or 3 periods (up to registered absence information and parameter 2) or left undivided.

  2. DSS - Divides an absence by DSS rules
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 DSS period type
    The period type tag indicating DSS period, defined by SSP function parameter 9.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter). SSP function parameter 9 should be used.
    3 Weeks
    Number of weeks to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal.
    4 Lower period type;
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    5 Higher period type
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    6 Payment ratio lower
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    7 Payment ratio higher
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.

    The DSS function divides the absence after the given number of weeks (parameter 3) in relation to already generated DSS periods. The division is made according to the DSS sickness rules (UK market specific).

  3. MNTH - Divides an absence at the end of a month
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 On/off hourly division handling
    Hour based division switch
    Available values: 0 – hourly division switched off, 1 - hourly division switched on.

    The MNTH function divides the absence if the beginning of the absence and its end are in different months (according to Month type payroll periods generated). The number of periods equals the number of different months found during the registered absence. When switched on, the hour based division switch causes the Time From and Time To fields to be filled.

  4. NDAY - Divides an absence in to parts on a given day
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Days
    Number of days to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal
    3 Divide after day
    Day count option switch.
    Available values: 0 – working days, 1 – calendar days
    4 Payment ratio before
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    5 Payment ratio after
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    6 Period type before
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)
    7 Period type after
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)

    If the division condition exists the absence will be always divided into 2 periods. The division point will fall after the number of days meeting the function parameterization. The exact division point hour can be modified by parameter 3.

  5. NDAY2 - Divides an absence on the specified working day and working hour
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Days
    Number of days to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal
    3 Hours
    Number of hours to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal
    4 On/off overnight day type divide
    Division switch for the overnight day types.
    Available values: 0 - overnight division switched off, 1 - overnight division function switched on.
    5 Divide after day
    Day count option switch.
    Available values: 0 – working days, 1 – calendar days
    6 Payment ratio before
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    7 Payment ratio after
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    8 Period type before
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)
    9 Period type after
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)

    If the division condition exists, the absence will be always divided into 2 periods. Parameters 2 and 3 are examined simultaneously and they have equal priority. The division point will be the first encountered. The division point will be after number of days/hours meeting the function parameterization. The exact division point hour can be modified by the parameters 4 and 5. The division switch for the overnight day types set to 1 (switched on) causes earlier absence division when the division point based on parameters 2 and 3 is found and the calendar day changes during the working day to be divided. In this case the division point is the beginning of the new calendar day (0:00 AM).

  6. NDAY3 - Divides an absence on the specified calendar or working days
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Days
    Number of days to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal
    Any number of dividing days can be defined by separating the value by a comma.
    3 Period Types
    The period type tab to be applied for the periods that are broken by the divide days.
    Available values: any existing string value (no validation for this parameter)
    Any number of period types can be defined by separating the values by a comma.
    4 Ratios
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: Any positive or negative decimal.
    Any number of ratios can be defined by separating the values by a comma.
    5 Max Break
    maximum length of breaks between absences counted in days, which doesn't cause the duration to reset.
    Available values: Any positive decimal.
    6 Divide after day
    Day count option switch.
    Available values: 0 - Working Days, 1 - Calendar Days

    If the division condition exists, the absence could be divided into many periods. The exact division point can be modified by parameter 2.

  7. SAD - Sets an absence debrief type
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Period type 1
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    3 Period type 2
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
  8. SCHEDSUB - Divides an absence period by schedule substitute day type
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Schedule day type;
    Day type id to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: day type id available for selected company id (multiple day type usage allowed).
    3 Payment ratio in
    The payment ratio to be applied for the period when a given day type occurs.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    4 Payment ratio out
    The payment ratio to be applied for the period when other day types occur.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    5 Period type In
    The period type tag to be applied for the period when a given day type occurs.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    6 Period type out
    The period type tag to be applied for the period when other day types occur.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).

    The SCHEDSUB function divides the absence on the basis of the employee schedule analysis. Each period can be described as a given day type compliant.

  9. SPT - Set period type
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Period type
    The period type tag to be applied for the generated period.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)

    This function is used to tag generated absence periods with an extra name.

  10. SSP - Divides an absence according to SSP rules
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 No paid days
    Number of days to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: any positive decimal.
    3 Number of break weeks
    Maximum length of break between absences, counted in weeks, which doesn’t cause the rolling year resetting.
    Available values: any positive decimal.
    4 Payment ratio before rolling year
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    5 Payment ratio after rolling year
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    6 Payment ratio during rolling year (integer);
    The parameter is currently disabled.
    7 Period type before;
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    8 Period type after;
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    9 DSS Period type
    The period type tag to be applied for the further period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).

    The SSP function divides the absence after the given number of No paid days (parameter 2) in relation to the length between the registered absence period and a previous instance of an absence of this type (parameter 3). The division is made according to the SSP sickness rules (UK market specific).

  11. WAIT - Divides an absence at the end of unpaid period
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Payment ratio before
    The payment ratio to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    3 Payment ratio after
    The payment ratio to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any positive or negative decimal.
    4 Period type before;
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    5 Period type after
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).

    The WAIT function divides the absence after the number of days given by the value of the dedicated employee constant parameter. The parameter is taken from the system configuration (position 106, ABSENCE config group).

  12. WEEK - Divides an absence at the end of a week
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 On/off hourly division handling
    Hour based division switch
    Available values: 0 – hourly division switched off, 1 - hourly division switched on.

    The WEEK function divides the absence if the beginning of the absence and its end fall in different weeks (according to the generated payroll periods of the Week type). The number of periods equals the number of different weeks found during the registered absence period. When switched on, the hour based division switch causes the Time From and Time To fields to be filled.

  13. CSP - Divides an absence according to CSP rules
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Period type before
    The period type tag to be applied for the first period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    3 Period type in;
    The period type tag to be applied for the second period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter).
    4 Period type after
    The period type tag to be applied for the third period generated.
    Available values: any text string (no validation for this parameter)

    The CSP function divides the absence after the given number of weeks defined in the payroll configuration (CSP configuration group, positions 702 and 703). The division is made according to the CSP sickness rules (UK market specific). Note: This function is only available if IFS/Payroll is installed.

  14. DIVBYCP - Divides an absence period by constant parameter
    Parameter Description
    1 On/off function
    Function switch
    Available values: 0 - function switched off, 1 - function switched on.
    2 Constant parameter
    Constant parameter or constant txt parameter to be used for dividing the absence period.
    Available values: parameter id available for selected company id (single parameter usage allowed).

    The DIVBYCP function divides the absence on each constant parameter period change date within the absence duration. The division can be based on one constant or constant text parameter only (function parameter 2). Note: This function is only available if IFS/Payroll is installed.