Define Absence Parameters


This activity is used to define various parameters for the absence codes. The following parameters are available:

Conversion - Controls whether the absence is converted to normal hours, and the way the conversion is done.
Flex Handling -  Controls how the absence code affects the flextime calculation.
Repeating - Controls whether the absence is automatically repeated in the following days.
Increment Handling - Controls how increments are affected by the absence code.
Free Day Covering - Controls the way non-working days are treated when they appear within an absence period. 
Overtime Subtract - Controls how overtime hours are affected by the absence code.
Transfer Type - Controls how the absence hours are transferred to payroll.
Manual Reporting - Controls whether absence is allowed to exceed scheduled hours.  


The absence wage codes must have been entered in the Wage Codes window.

System Effects


Absence Parameters

Related Window Descriptions

Absence Parameters


  1. Open the Absence Parameters window.
  2. Query or populate to find the absence wage code for which you want to specify parameters. The selected wage code will display in the Wage Code field.

    Specify values for one or more of the following absence parameters by selecting options from the available lists:
  3. In the Conversion field, specify whether time reported for the absence wage code should be converted to another wage type instead of absence in the calculated time result.
  4. In the Flex Handling field, specify how the flex intervals defined for a day should be effected by absence.
  5. In the Repeating field, specify whether or not the absence should repeat on days that follow the first day on which an absence OUT clocking is registered.
  6. In the Increment Handling field, specify whether increments should be allowed when absence is registered with the given wage code. If it should be allowed, you can specify the conditions under which the increments should be calculated.
    Note: Increments are defined in the Increment Types window.
  7. In the Free Day Covering field, specify whether the absence should be repeated on non working days and if such repeated absence records should be removed automatically when the employee creates a clocking on the day following the non working day.
  8. In the Overtime Subtract field, specify whether any overtime reported for the day should be used to reduce the absence hours of the employee for the given day.
  9. In the Transfer Option field, specify how the absence wage code should be transferred to payroll when time and attendance results are transferred.
  10. In the Manual Reporting field, specify whether absence results registered by an employee for a selected day should be allowed to exceed the scheduled hours.