Enter Increment Types 


This activity is used to register increment types. The increment type is used to describe compensations for, e.g., inconvenient working hours, working shift hours, or any other compensation not described in any of the other available schedules. The increment type adds wage codes and hours to the time card result. Basically there are two kinds of increments. The increment where the compen`sation is related to the time of day, and the increment that is related to the number of hours you have worked. The increment type supports both these alternatives.

Increments are generally calculated based on the number of normal hours, overtime hours or presence hours etc that an employee has accumulated. You can control the increment calculation at the wage code level by connecting a wage code list to an increment type. That is, you can specify whether the increment should or should not be calculated when a particular set of wage codes have been registered for the employee.

Note: Overtime compensation should be defined in the working hours schedule. 

The increment type is linked to the accounting days in the increment schedule in the same way as day types are used to create a working hours schedule. The increment type defines under which circumstances the increment wage code should be added to the result. 

An alternative to the increment schedule is to link an increment type directly to a day type. This means that the increments will be added to the time card result when the corresponding day type is used for the calculation. Normally day types describing shift work are linked to increment types. 

If you connect an increment type to a day type, you can use the Day Type Increment Switch window to control what increment type should be used in case the employee temporarily changes the day type. For example, if the employee is ordered to work an evening shift instead of the scheduled night shift, then the employee probably should have the increment connected to the night shift.   

Before you start to register increment types, it is recommended that you review agreement and contract information and also what is managed in the payroll system. 


Before you register the increment types, the increment wage codes must have been entered.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, you can connect increment types to the accounting days in the increment schedule, or to the day types. 


Increment Types

Related Window Descriptions

Increment Types


To create an increment type;

  1. Open the Increment Types window, and in the Increment Type list, click New to name a new increment type.
  2. Specify a name and a description for the increment in the Increment Type and Increment Type Description fields.
  3. Click New in the table to register the relevant increment wage code. You register one line per increment. 

To define how increments should be calculated when the increment type is used;

  1. You can specify an interval by entering the start time and end time in the From and To fields. In the From Day and To Day fields, specify whether the given times apply to the current, previous or next day.
  2. The Sum field displays the number of hours in the interval covered by the From and To fields.

    Note: When an interval is specified, the defined increment will only apply if the employee registers time intervals within this period. You can leave the From and To fields blank if the increment should not be restricted to a time of day.
  3. In the Wage Code field, select the wage code for the relevant interval using the list. The wage code name is shown automatically.
  4. In the Calculation Rule field, specify whether the increment should be calculated according to the registered clocking in the Time Card Day/Interval tab or based upon the calculated result on the Time Card Day/Result tab.
  5. In the Validity field, specify when the increment calculation is due. That is, whether the increment is calculated for normal time, overtime, total presence hours etc.
  6. In the Value Type field, specify whether the increment should be a fixed amount, a minimum or maximum amount, or if it should be based on the hours calculated. If value type is Fixed, Minimum or Maximum, the corresponding value should be specified in the Value field.
  7. You can enter a wage code list in the Wage Code List field by using the list.
  8. In the Wage Code Rule field, specify whether the increment definition should apply for the wage code list selected in the Wage Code List field. That is, you can include or exclude the wage code list from the increment definition.
  9. When you have registered information on all intervals covered by the increment, click Save.