Printer Definitions/User Printer

[To Define System Basics]


Use this tab window to connect users to different printers. Here, you can manage a user’s options for doing printouts on different printers. Optionally you can define a printer for special character sets by defining a language. For example, if you are just running languages that all fit in the normal Western European character set and want to expand the installation with Chinese, you only need to add new configuration items for the Chinese language. If you don't specify a setting for the specific language, the common setting will be used. You can choose to connect a user to several printers, but you can only select one of the printers per language as a default printer. Which printer will be used for a printout when you are connected to several printers depends on the connection between a report and a printer, and also the connection between a user and a printer.

In addition, if there is a default printer defined for a specific report, it will be pre selected in the print dialog when ordering a report through the  Info Services Reports.

For more information, see the Printer Definition/Report Printer function.