Class Properties

Class Properties are special settings applied on a per-class basis. By defining class properties it is possible to view objects in windows specific to the object type (e.g. Design Object Terminals, Design Object Wires and Design Object Nozzles) and make available relevant updating options for objects of a particular class.

Record Type (Objects Only)

The selected record type influences which windows the objects can appear in and which additional RMB commands are available. The record types are as follows: PlantObject (default), PlantCircuit, PlantSignal, PlantCable, PlantConnectionPoint, PlantChannel, and PlantIOCard.  Record Type affects just objects and cannot be applied to design parts or design part classes. 

If the record type is changed, the old records have the old record type and the newly created objects of that class will receive the new record type. Even though the records are of the same class, they would have different record types and thus would be sorted differently within an overview window.

Enabling Windows for Viewing Specific Objects

Each of the following six properties, if selected, enables the viewing of the objects in specific windows as follows:

Update Object from Design Part Properties

The following class properties enable updates from a design part to be automatically made on the connected object: