Enter Audit Findings


Use this activity to enter audit findings.


An audit in the Scheduled state must exist and the audit must have been performed.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, audit findings are entered.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. In the Audit window, either populate or search for the appropriate audit.
  2. Click the Notes tab.
  3. In the General Audit Notes field, enter the general audit findings. This information can be viewed by anybody who has access to the audit record.
  4. In the Internal Audit Notes field, enter internal audit findings. This is confidential information only available for users defined as internal auditors in Audit Basic Data/Internal Auditors.
  5. Save when completed.

If any non conformances are identified during the audit, these should be reported:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the header of the Audit window and then click Create Non Conformance Report. The Create NCR Assistant opens.
  2. Follow the steps in the assistant to create the non conformance report. The created non conformance report will automatically be associated with the audit and can be viewed on the NCRs tab in the Audit window.

When the audit findings have been entered, and the necessary non conformance reports have been created, the next step is to change the audit to the Completed status.

  1. Click the Planning and Contacts tab.
  2. In the Audit Completed Date field, enter a date.
  3. Save when complete.
  4. Click the Focus Area tab.
  5. Select the Completed check box for the focus area record(s).
  6. Save when completed.
  7. On the header of the Audit window, right-click anywhere and then click Complete. The audit status changes to completed.