Order Cash Flow Analysis - Report


This activity is used for ordering cash flow exposure reports and for producing cash flow exposure details. Criteria used in producing a report include the analysis it should be based on, the until date, the cash flow status, the cash flow type, the cash flow source, the currency or currencies, the currency rate types, and the code string. 

The report is used for viewing cash flow exposure and currency exposure, it is also used as a basis for analyzing the structure of the cash flow relevant to period, cash balances, and cash flow type. You can analyze several companies and currencies at the same time. If so ordered, all amounts in original currency are converted to the base currency in currency rates obtained from IFS/Accounting Rules. All amounts are presented in thousands. It is possible to print the cash flow exposure report.

The cash flow exposure report summarizes the cash flow information into time slots. The time slots depend on the time scale specified in the Cash Flow Exposure dialog box. The report displays 12 columns. The first column, 0 (zero), contains the sum of all incoming balances prior to the reporting period. The next ten columns are the first ten time slots with cash flows, within the reporting period. The last column (‘>’) contains a sum of all cash flows that occur after the last time slot but are within the report period.  Cash flow types are classified into Ib (Incoming balance), In (Incoming cash flows), and Out (outgoing cash flows). These three cash flow types are summarized separately per time slot. The incoming balance for every time slot is updated with outgoing balance (= Ib + In - Out) for the previous time slot. 

It is possible to view the accumulated items that are used in forming a cash flow exposure report. The information is specified on company level, time slot, and slot to date, as well as event date. The source that the cash flow refers to, for example, payment etc., is also stated. The subtype as well as a subtype description is also displayed. A subtype is, for example, CUSINV. The specific amount and currency with currency rate are examples of what the detailed cash flow exposure report includes. It is also possible to copy all lines to another tool, such as Excel.


The selected analysis ID must be updated if new information is to be reported.

System Effects

The cash flow exposure report will be printed summarizing the cash flow information according to the selected time period.


Cash Flow Exposure

Related Window Description

Cash Flow Exposure
Cash Flow Exposure Detail


To produce a report and cash flow exposure details:

  1. Open the Cash Flow Exposure window.
  2. Select the analysis ID and sources from which you want to produce a report. 
  3. Enter the companies to analyze. If the Companies to Analyze field is left blank, all companies in the analysis will be included. 
  4. In the Date Until field, enter a future time limit for the cash flow. 
  5. Enter relevant values in the Max Cash Flow Status, Cash Flow Types, Counterpart ID, and Counterpart Type fields.
  6. Use the Time Scale field to specify the time slots according to which cash flows will be reported. For example, by selecting Week, you specify that you want the cash flow to be reported per week. 
  7. Enter the currency code to be used in the cash flow in the Currency field. If the field is left blank, all currencies in the analysis are included. Use the List of Values to select a currency code.
  8. In the Amount in Acc Currency field, select Yes to have amounts reported in base currency. 
  9. Use the List of Values to select the company for currency rate type.
  10. Specify the currency rate types to be used for customer related transactions (sell currency rate) and supplier related transactions (buy currency rate) appearing in the cash flow.
  11. To select the code string, specify one or more code parts to restrict the range of the analysis.
  12. Select Print to print a report, or select Detail to produce cash flow exposure details.