Create MRB Case

[About Material Review Board]

[To Receipt] [To Maintain Inventory] [To Quality Management]


Use this dialog box to report a non-conformance of a particular part. The type of non-conformance can include discrepancies such as expired parts, physical appearance not up to standard, parts not fitting properly, etc. It can be detected in parts in stock, during the receipt process of purchase orders, on shop order work in process, and shop order material. A non-conformance can be reported for an individual part, a whole batch of the same lot number or serial number, and for parts in stock and purchase receipts. Any combination of parts in shop order WIP or in shop order material can be submitted. The necessary parts are then isolated. Reserved parts or parts in transit are also taken into consideration. The Material Review Board decides the disposition of the parts after inspection and the parts are later either scrapped or sent back for rework.

Activity Diagrams

Material review board
Handle inventory discrepancies
Perform quality inspection and handle discrepancies


Create MRB case