Generate and Print/Reprint an Aviation Part Certificate


This activity is used to generate and print an aviation part certificate in-house for a component or aircraft. A part certification form may be generated after a maintenance action such as a shop visit for an aircraft, an engine overhaul or component repair is completed. The form can be issued for a single serialized component, a defined set of serialized components or a batch of components. Components in this context refer to both assemblies and vehicles.

The printed part certificate can be authorized by either manually or digitally signing the document. If the paper format is used, the authorized certificates can then be scanned and stored in IFS Document Management (i.e., using the Connected Objects feature). When scanning the document be sure to save it in PDF format if you want to store it in IFS Document Management.


System Effects


Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order History
Complex Assembly Work Order
Historical Work Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Print Release to Service Documents - Step 1
Print Release to Service Documents - Step 2
Print Release to Service Documents - Step 3
Print Release to Service Documents - Step 4
Maintenance Order 
Maintenance Order History 
Complex Assembly Work Order
Historical Work Orders


Follow this procedure to generate and print an aviation part certificate from a maintenance order or work order:

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window,  Maintenance Order History window, Complex Assembly Work Order window or Historical Work Orders window.
  2. Query (F3) for the relevant maintenance/work order. In the Historical Work Orders window, select the row.
  3. Right-click and then click Print Part Certificate and CRS Documentation. The Print Release to Service Documents assistant opens.
  4. In the Approval Type field, enter the valid approval type. Click List to select a valid value.
  5. In the Form Type field, enter the valid form type to use under the selected approval. Click List to select a valid value.
  6. In the Revision field the revision of the form type is displayed automatically. To change to another revision, click List and select from the available values.
  7. The current user's ID is displayed automatically in the Approver ID field if he or she is defined as a valid approver. Click List to select a valid approver.
  8. By default, the type of certificate approval reference is set to Repair Agency Claimed Certificate No. and cannot be changed.
  9. The certificate approval reference number will be the approval certificate number you have defined in basic data, i.e., in the Part Certificate Basic Data/Approvals Per Maintenance Organization tab. The default value cannot be changed.
  10. Click Next.
  11. In the Customer ID field, enter the ID of the customer who will receive the certificate. Click List to select a valid customer. Note: If a customer is connected to the maintenance/work order, the customer's ID will be displayed automatically in this field.
  12. In the Status/Work field, select the appropriate work status for the part.
  13. Optional step - Select the Use NCAGE Code check box if you want the NCAGE code of the part manufacturer to be used on the part certificate instead of the manufacturer's code.
  14. Optional step - In the Remarks field, enter any additional information on the work performed.
  15. Optional step - In the Maintenance Document Data area, you can register information on any technical documents that were used for the work.
  16. Optional step - If a part certificate(s) has already been generated for the serial, you can choose to attach the previous certificate(s) to the part certificate that is being generated. To do this, select the Attach Previous Forms check box, and then choose whether you want to attach Only Latest Form or All Previous Forms. Note that the relevant Form Format must have first being selected.
  17. Optional step - In the Additional Conformance Text field, enter any additional information to supplement other textual descriptions in conformance type documents.
  18. Click Next.
  19. Optional step - In the Part Usage Restrictions field, you can enter information on any restrictions to adhere to when using the part.
  20. Optional step - If the work was performed in compliance with an airworthiness directive, enter the number of the directive in the Airworthiness Directive No field.
  21. Optional step - If the work was performed in compliance with a service bulletin, enter the number of the bulletin in the Service Bulletin No field.
  22. In the Airworthiness Regulation Code field, enter the valid regulation code to use on the part certificate. The drop-down list contains a list of values valid for the selected part certification form type.
  23. Optional step - In the Airline Stock No field, enter the internal identification number that is assigned to the selected serial in an airline's inventory.
  24. Optional step - In the International Commodity Code field, enter the six-character code used to specify the classification and description of the part or material item per harmonized agreements on tariff commodity codes.
  25. Optional step - In the Airworthiness Deviations area, several free-text fields exist to enter information on any deviations from the type design or customer work orders.
  26. Optional step - In the Repair/Mod Description field, enter a description of the repair or modification that was performed on the serial.
  27. Optional step - In the NAA Maint. Req. Description field, enter a description of the maintenance that was performed under the requirements of a foreign airworthiness authority
  28. Click Next.
  29. Optional step - To print the part certificate once generated, select the Print Part Certificate Form check box.
  30. Optional step - If you want to print CRS documentation, select the relevant check boxes found in the Print Release to Service Documentation area.
  31. Click Finish.

Follow this procedure to reprint an aviation part certificate from a maintenance order or work order:

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window, Maintenance Order History window, Complex Assembly Work Order window or Historical Work Orders window.
  2. Query (F3) for the relevant maintenance/work order. In the Historical Work Orders window, select the row.
  3. Right-click and then click Reprint Part Certification Form.

Follow this procedure if you want to set a default document class to use when storing XML and PDF files for part certificates in IFS Document Management:

  1. Open the System Definitions window and click the Object Property tab.
  2. Query (F3) for the property name PART_CERT_DOC_CLASS.
  3. In the Property Value field, enter the required document class.
  4. Save the information (F12).