Generate CRO Task List
This activity is used to produce a list of tasks to be performed on the
repair part associated with a component repair order line. You can choose what
items to have on this list. The task list is populated when you choose to
include a modification code for a component repair order line.
Choosing to include modifications in the work scope is optional. However, it is only possible to include modifications together with the repair order type
Disposition Shop Order. When there are no modifications to be performed, the
disposition process involves only material inspection and possible scrapping, or
reporting and repairing discrepancies.
- The component repair order line should be in the New or Reserved
- The repair order type Disposition Shop Order must have been selected for the
component repair order line.
- A modification code must exist for the part on the component repair order line.
The part should be the same as the assigned part and the affected part for the
modification code.
System Effects
A list of tasks to be performed for a component repair order line is
Component Repair Order
Component Repair Order Lines
Related Window Descriptions
CRO Line Task List
Component Repair Order/CRO Lines
Component Repair Order
Component Repair Order Lines
- Open the Component Repair Order window and select your repair order by
populating or performing a search.
- Click the CRO Lines tab.
- Select an appropriate line, right-click and then click Task List. This opens the
CRO Line Task List window.
- Create a new record in the upper table.
- Enter a modification code in the Mod Code field or select one from the List of
- Save. The lower table will get populated if at least one part in the CRO
line is in the Reserved status.
- Select or clear the Include for Task check box as required and save.