Select Service Types


This activity is used to define the services to perform for a repair part defined on a component repair order line. When a service type is selected then it has two purposes for subsequent service process of the part, to define a work scope and to act as a price label for the work performed. A component repair order line can have one or more service types assigned.

It is possible to facilitate and speed up the service process for small and easy services by setting up a predefine work scope for the repair order types Work Order and Repair Shop Order. For the repair order types Disposition Shop Order and External Service Order it is not possible to generate a predefined work scope, the work scope must be created manually. The predefined work scope is generated from the repair codes connected to the service type. When releasing the component repair order line to repair, the following is generated according to the repair code setup:

The service contract is always the primary choice for fetching the price for a service type, assuming it is a customer requested service. If no part service contact is created for the customer, or if it is an in-house repair, then the service price is always fixed and fetched from the Part Service Definition and Pricing window. It is mandatory to enter a fixed base price when adding the service type to the list of possible services for the part.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, one or more service types are defined for a component repair order line.

If a valid part service contract exists, the contract ID and the part service contract line number are displayed on the service type line. The invoice type and service price, in your company's currency, are retrieved from the service contract as well. Note that the price in the part service contract is in the customer's currency, which will be converted to your currency before displayed in the Service Type tab.

If no part service contract exists for the service type, or if it is an in-house repair, the service price is always fixed and is retrieved from the Part Service Definition and Pricing window. The invoice type will always be Service Price.


Component Repair Order

Related Window Descriptions

Component Repair Order/CRO Lines/Service Type
Component Repair Order/CRO Lines
Component Repair Order


  1. Open the Component Repair Order window and search for an existing component repair order.
  2. Click the CRO Lines tab.
  3. Select a component repair order line in the upper part of the window, then click the Service Type tab in the lower part of the window.
  4. Create a new record and select a service type, either by entering the short code or from the List of Values.
  5. Any part service contract, contract line number, invoice type, and service price is retrieved and displayed. If no part service contract exists, the invoice type will be set to Service Price and the service price is retrieved from the Part Service Definition and Pricing window. Optionally you can manually change the service price.
  6. Optionally you can define more service types for the component repair order line.
  7. Save your record.