Unrelease CRO Line


This activity is used bring a released component repair order line back to Reserved status. When doing un-release the reservation is brought back from the repair order to the component repair order line, and the repair order is canceled. The status is changed to Reserved and it is possible to perform required changes and/or updates which preceded the un-release of the line. When all conditions are adjusted you can continue to process the component repair order line. Release the line to repair again and a new repair order is created.


System Effects

The following system effects will take place as a result of this activity:


Component Repair Order Lines
Component Repair Order

Related Window Descriptions

Component Repair Order Lines
Component Repair Order/CRO Lines
Component Repair Order


  1. Open the Component Repair Order window and search for your component repair order.
  2. Click the CRO Lines tab and select a released component repair order line.
  3. Right-click and then click Unrelease.
  4. The status of the component repair order line is changed to Reserved and the repair order is canceled.