Parent Consolidations / Subsidiary Consolidations

[To Prepare Consolidation Subsidiary]   [To Prepare Consolidation Parent Company]


Use these windows to display transfers/Consolidations that have occurred. Use the Subsidiary Consolidations window to transfer general ledger balances and budget values to the parent company. Use the Parent Consolidations window to consolidate the transferred general ledger balances and budget values of the subsidiary to the parent company. Each transfer from a subsidiary has a unique ID and contains consolidation information for either general ledger balances or budget values.

In these windows, if the Balance Transferred and Balance Consolidated check boxes are selected, a complete consolidation of general ledger balances to the parent company has occurred. The voucher information of the consolidated voucher that was created in the parent company will be displayed in both windows.

If the Budget Transferred and Budget Consolidated check boxes are selected, a complete consolidation of budget values to the parent company has occurred. The parent company budget version to which the subsidiary budget values are consolidated will be displayed in both these windows.

Activity Diagrams

Create Balance Consolidation, Subsidiary

Create Budget Consolidation, Subsidiary

Create Balance Consolidation, Parent Company

Create Budget Consolidation, Parent Company


Activity descriptions are available through activity objects in the Activity Diagrams.