Create New Contract Revision


Creating a new revision can be done at any time during the contract management process. When creating a contract, a revision is created automatically, but any new revisions have to be created manually. Revisions are normally created to keep a history log of changes done to the contract throughout its lifetime. Creating contract revisions is not a must, but it is recommended to use this feature to track changes done between tenders, baselines, and current contract agreements.

Notice that revising a contract only affects the contract lines and contract line items. The rest of the contract belongs to the contract header and will remain the same for all the revisions. Any changes made to a revision when multiple revisions exist, will not have any impact on the other revisions.


System Effects


Sales Contract

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Contract/Revision
Sales Contract/Items


  1. Open the Sales Contract window, and click the Revision tab.
  2. Right-click and then click Create Revision to open the Create New Contract Revision dialog box.
    Note: The revision number on which the new revision will be based, will be used by default for the latest revision, which is not in the Obsolete or Canceled status. If you right-click on the revision line on the Sales Contract/Revisions tab, the revision number will be the default value for the revision number of the selected revision line. This can be overwritten and the List of Values will bring up all the revisions on the contract.
  3. The new revision number will be calculated automatically.
  4. Enter a reason code. Use the List of Values to select from all the contract reason codes with the reason type Revision.
  5. If required, notes about the revision can be entered in the Revision Notes field.
  6. The Audit Trail, Variation Order and Variation Order Comment Required check boxes will display the default settings as defined on the revision from which the new revision is being created.
    Note: Rules for how the check boxes behave are described in the Define Contract Revision Audit Trail Settings activity.
  7. Click OK to confirm.

Once the revision has been created, values in the Estimate Number, Estimate Version and the Notes fields on the Sales Contract/Revision tab can be added or modified.

Note: The same activity can be done on the header of the Sales Contract/Items tab.