Cost Buckets

The cost bucket contains the costs (cost elements) of any given part registered in the system.

Pre-defined Cost Buckets

When the system creates a site, some cost buckets are created automatically. These default cost buckets have pre-defined cost elements assigned to them.

Cost Bucket ID Description Assigned Cost Element
110 Estimated material cost 110
120 Latest purchase price 120
130 Average purchase price 130
140 Planned Purchase Price 140
160 Purchase Additional Cost Amount 160
170 Purch Charge on Supplier for Part 170
200 Labor cost 210, 220
221 Labor overhead cost 221
300 Machine cost 310, 320
321 Machine overhead 1 cost 321
322 Machine overhead 2 cost 322
400 Subcontracting cost 410, 420
421 Subcontracting overhead cost 421
510 Inter-site Material Cost 510
150 DOP Purchased Material Cost 110. This cost bucket is used by the DOP Actual Cost Calculation. It should not be used for other purposes.
141 Weighted Average Material Cost Cost Bucket ID 141 is only for shop order costing. Cannot have any cost elements.
142 First In First Out Material Cost Cost Bucket ID 142 is only for shop order costing. Cannot have any cost elements.
143 Last In First Out Material Cost Cost Bucket ID 143 is only for shop order costing. Cannot have any cost elements.