Cost Set

The cost set is defined per site. Each site gets default cost sets defined automatically when it is created. When working with cost sets, you can redefine a cost set, create a new cost set, and delete any cost set except cost set 1.

Characteristics for Cost Set 1

The following restrictions apply to cost set 1:

The above rules and restrictions only apply to cost set 1. All other cost sets and their descriptions may be altered. Cost set 1 holds the standard cost. The standard cost must be calculated in another cost set, since calculations in cost set 1 are not possible. You must copy the desired costs from calculations performed in another cost set via a special copy dialog. Copying cost information into cost set 1 updates the inventory value.

Predefined Cost Sets

When you create a new site, five different cost sets are defined automatically;

Value Description
1 Inventory value
2 Estimated material cost
3 Latest purchase price
4 Average purchase price
5 Planned purchased cost