Check-In Document Structure
Use this activity to check in a document structure.
This activity has two separate procedures for checking in a document structure.
A procedure for a first-time check-in and a procedure for all subsequent check-ins.
- The document revision must be defined as a structure document.
- You must have edit access to this document revision.
System Effects
- If new document files have been added to the structure, their document
numbers can be automatically generated by the system.
- New document revisions and their document files are
connected to the document structure.
Document Revision
Related Window
First Time Check-in
of a Document
- Open the Document Revision window and query for a structure
- Click Check In document to open the
Check In Document
Structure dialog box.
The structure document displays in the dialog box. This document does not have a
connected document file.
- Select the row, right-click and then click Connect File.
- Select a file and click OK to connect the file to this
structure document.
- Right-click and select Add
Subdocument to add a subdocument. A file selector opens and you can select
one or more document files to add to your
document structure. If you add a subdocument to a document in level 1, the subdocument will
be in a level 2. You can repeat this step on any one of the documents
visible in the
Check In Document Structure dialog box. When you add a subdocument, it will not
receive a Document Number value. A document number will be generated
for you when the structure is checked in.
- [Optional] Once you add a subdocument, you can
select a row and then click on one of the following:
- Add Subdocument to add a subdocument.
- Connect File to connect (or
exchange) a document file for the structure document.
- Delete to delete a new
Note: Another way to access the Add
Subdocument and Connect File commands is to double-click on the main
document row. If that main document does not have a connected file, the
Choose File for Check-in dialog box opens and you can select a file. If the
main document already has a connected file, the Choose one or More Files
to Create New Documents dialog box opens and you can select one or more
files to add as subdocuments to your document structure.
- [Optional] Once your subdocuments have been added,
you can add a booking list, change the document class, or modify a title for
any one of those subdocuments.
- Click Check In to create new documents, connect
files to them, create the document structure, and check in the
document structure to the repository. Shortly after clicking Check In,
a report opens to show the results.
an Existing Document
- Open the Document Revision window and query for a structure
- Check out a structure document.
- Click Check In to open the
Check In Document
Structure dialog box.
The structure document is displayed in the
Check In Document
Structure dialog box.
- The Check In check box must be selected to
enable a document file to be checked in. Documents without their Check In
field check box selected will not be checked into the repository.
- [Optional] Right-click and select Add
Subdocument to add a subdocument. A file selector opens and you can select document files to add to your
document structure. If you add a subdocument to a document in level 1, the subdocument will
be in level 2. You can repeat this step on any one of the documents
visible in the
Check In Document Structure dialog box. When you add a subdocument, its
Document Number field will not have a value. A document number value will be generated
for you at check-in.
- [Optional] Once you add a subdocument, you can
select a row and then click on one of the following:
- Add Subdocument to add a subdocument.
- Connect File to connect (or
exchange) a document file.
- Delete to delete a
Note: Another way to access the Add
Subdocument and Connect File commands is to double-click on the main
document row. If that main document does not have a connected file, the
Choose File for Check-in dialog box opens and you can select a file. If the
main document already has a connected file, the Choose one or More Files
to Create New Documents dialog box opens and you can select one or more
files to add as subdocuments to your document structure.
- [Optional] Once your subdocuments have been added,
you can add a booking list, change the document class, or modify a title for
any one of those subdocuments.
- Click Check In to create new documents, connect
files to them, create the document structure, and check in the
document structure to the repository. Shortly after clicking Check In,
a report opens to show the results.
Note: These steps can also be performed using the right mouse button
options in the Document Revisions window.