Create Alternate Screen Layout


This activity is used to create an alternate screen layout for the Document Revision window. Alternate layouts are useful when you have users with different skill levels or different work tasks in your organization or simply when a user can perform his/her tasks without using accessing certain fields.



System Effects


Document Basic

Related Window/Page Descriptions

Document Basic
Document Basic/Document Default Values


  1. Open the Document Basic window and click on the Document Default Values tab.
  2. Enter a value in the Document Default Value field for the DOC_INFO_ALT_LAYOUT default value.
  3. Right-click on the Document Revision window in the navigator and point to Edit and then click Copy.
  4. Right-click on the Document Management folder in the navigator and point to Edit and click Paste. The new window will be added to the folder and will appear at the bottom of the list of windows belonging to the folder.
  5. Right-click on the window on the navigator and click Properties.
  6. In the Title field, enter the name that should be used for the window.
  7. Select the Own Process check box and enter the name you entered for the DOC_INFO_ALT_LAYOUT default value in basic data.
  8. Click OK.

Note:  It is possible to create a default layout in the web client by simply adding the __PAGE_COPY= parameter with a value to the address bar (e.g:__PAGE_COPY=COPY1) after the page address.