Create a New Document File


You can create a new electronic document file in two ways:


System Effects

An original document file is connected to the document revision. If an Extended EDM File is used, one or more extra files may be checked in automatically by the system. The file types and their number are determined by the Document Class Process Action configuration.


Document Revision
Project Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Document Revision
Document Revision/General

Project Navigator
Project Navigator/Project Documents


Creating a new document file using the edit function

  1. Query for a document revision in the Document Revision window and click Edit. If there exist a file template for the selected document class, language, and format two things can happen:
  1. If a macro is configured for the selected document class and process, that macro is processed before the file is opened.
  2. When you have finished creating the document file, save it, and close it.
  3. Click Check In.

Using check in to attach an existing document file

If you have an original document file that is saved locally on your client or  network, you can attach it to the document revision by clicking Check In.

  1. Query for a document revision in the Document Revision window and click Check In.
  2. Because the document revision does not have an attached document file, a file explorer opens. Browse to the document that you want to check in.
  3. Click Open to check in the selected document file.

If you have several document files that should be associated with the selected document revision (view copy and other files), select the original file in the file explorer and the rest of the files will be automatically checked in along with it (assuming the file types have been configured).