Cancel Reminder per Proposal
This activity is used to cancel all reminders
which were printed or sent for a specific customer reminder proposal. The
cancellation of a reminder sets back the reminder level and last reminder date
of the invoice installments to the values before the reminder was printed.
This information can be viewed using the Reminder/Interest
Info per Customer Invoice window. Only the latest
reminder of an invoice installment can be cancelled. You can also cancel
reminders for a reminder proposal although reminders of one or more payers have
been already cancelled Cancelled reminders will be then ignored. After a
reminder has been cancelled the due items can be reminded again with the same
reminder level.
Reminders must have been printed or sent to a payer with a customer reminder
proposal. There should be at least one payer in the reminder history of the
reminder proposal for which the reminder has not been cancelled.
System Effects
- The reminder level and last reminder date are set back per invoice
installment to the level and date before the reminders were printed or sent to
the payer.
- The Cancelled check box will be selected in
the Reminder History Details window if a reminder has been
cancelled for a payer. Also the previously reminded items will be indicated as cancelled in
the Invoices per Reminder window and
will be updated with dated along with the user who cancelled the reminders.
- Cancelled reminders are no longer
displayed in Customer Reminder Analysis window.
Customer Reminder History
Related Window Descriptions
Cancel Reminder
Customer Reminder History
- Open the Customer Reminder History window.
- Select the reminder proposal that needs to be
- Right-click and click Cancel Reminder to open the Cancel
Reminder dialog box.
- The Proposal ID of the reminder proposal is displayed for which
the reminders should be cancelled.
- Select the Run in Background check box, if the cancellation
should be performed in the background.
- Click Ok to cancel the reminder or click Cancel to close the
dialog box.