Unacknowledge / Cancel Reminder Proposal


Use the Unacknowledge / Cancel Reminder Proposal activity to unacknowledged and cancel a confirmed reminder proposal. Each user can work on only one proposal at a time. The proposal is linked to the user ID, which enables several users to have a reminder proposal up at the same time.


A reminder proposal must have been entered and acknowledged before it can be unacknowledged an then cancelled.

System Effects

As a result of this action, the reminder proposal is cancelled.


Customer Reminder Proposals

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Reminder Proposals


To unacknowledge / cancel a reminder proposal:

  1. Open Customer Reminder Proposals. Select either the Query or Populate function to find the reminder proposal to be unacknowledged/cancelled.
  2. Click the right mouse button and select the operation Unacknowledge Proposal. The reminder proposal is then given Reminder Status, Created .
  3. Cancel the proposal by using Remove function in the tool-bar.