Modify Interest Proposal


Use the Modify Interest Proposal activity to modify interest proposals. There are two different levels to make exclusions. The first level is to exclude a customer. All invoices linked to that customer will be then excluded from the proposal. The other level is to include a customer and to only exclude certain invoices.

The modification takes place in Customer Interest Proposals by using the right mouse button function and selecting Interest Proposal Details. The window shows all customers covered by the proposal, broken out by currency. Total interest amount per currency is also shown. The Status field can be used to delete customers from the proposal. If the invoices are to be removed temporarily, change the status to Excluded. If the invoices are to be removed permanently and not be included in any other proposal, change the status to Deleted.

To see the individual invoices included in Customer Interest Proposals, select Interest Proposal Details in the right mouse button menu of Customer Interest Proposals. In that window, select Invoices per Interest Proposal in the right mouse button menu. The window then shows the invoices that form the basis of the interest calculation. Invoices deleted in Interest Proposal Details can be included. If the calculation of interest is wrong, you can alter the interest rate in Interest Templates. If an adjustment is made after the proposal has been generated, the proposal must be deleted and then created again.


Modification of the proposal requires that the proposal not have the status Acknowledged.

System Effects

Excluded invoices or customers are excluded from interest proposals.


Customer Interest Proposals

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Interest Proposals

Interest Proposal Details

Invoices per Interest Proposal

Interest Calculation per Invoice


Use this procedure to exclude/include a customer:

  1. Click the operation Interest Proposal Details in Customer Interest Proposals.

  2. The only option in this window is to change the Status.

  3. Select the line you want to alter, then select the status.

  4. Quit by clicking Save.

Use this procedure to exclude individual invoices:

  1. Click the operation Invoices per Interest Proposal in the Interest Proposal Details window.

  2. Select the line you want to change. Use the roller list and select the applicable status. To remove the invoice from the proposal, select Excluded. To add an invoice removed previously, select Included. To completely exempt the invoice from the interest proposal, select Deleted, which means that no interest invoice will ever be generated for this invoice.

  3. Quit by clicking Save.