Modify Reminder Proposal Details


The Modify Reminder Proposal Details activity is used to delete a customer from a reminder proposal. If a customer is deleted, all invoices linked to the proposal are automatically deleted. You can still see the customer and the invoices, but their status is now Excluded.


A reminder proposal must have been created.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, customer invoices are not included in the reminder proposal.


Customer Reminder Proposals

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Reminder Proposals

Reminder Proposal Details


Use this operation to Exclude/Include a customer in the reminder proposal. The customer must have Included status if any of the invoices in the proposal are to be included.

  1. Open Customer Reminder Proposals and click the right mouse button function Reminder Proposal Details
  2. Click in the Status field and change the status to Excluded or Included.
  3. Quit by clicking Save.