Print Interest Proposal


Use the Print Interest Proposal activity to print interest proposals. Display the Print Report dialog box by clicking the right mouse button in Customer Interest Proposals and selecting the Print Proposal operation. This function is useful for obtaining a general idea of the interest invoices/notes that will be printed. The interest proposal is based on the criteria stated in Create Proposal. The proposal includes customers and invoices with all available statuses, i.e., Included, Excluded, and Deleted. The interest proposal provides information on customer level, customer, name, interest template applied, template description, currency, total interest amount, proposal status, invoice number, due date, interest calculation date (i.e., from and to dates), interest days, invoice amount, interest-based amount, amount paid, interest rate, and interest amount.


An interest proposal must have been created.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a printout will be executed.


Customer Interest Proposals

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Interest Proposals


To print an interest proposal:

  1. Select the print proposal operation in Customer Interest Proposals.
  2. Fill in the dialog box to obtain the print you require.