Enter Customer Check Information


This activity is used to enter information about Checks received from customers. General Check information to be entered includes customer, currency, amount and payment date. You also specify the cash account to which the Check should be cashed.

Before saving the Check, you can match it with unpaid invoices or difference items. See further the Match Check with Customer Invoices activity. When the Check is saved, the matched invoices are paid and the customer claim from the invoices (IP2) is removed. However a new customer claim appears (PP28) which is represented by the entered open Check. If the Check is not completely matched with invoices, the remaining unmatched part is stored as a payment on account or as a difference item, which can later be matched with invoices in the Customer Offset function. After entry, the Check will be in Created status, and the open Check will be found in the AR ledger with its Series ID and number.

When matching a Check with invoices, you can mix EMU currencies. A Check in EUR can for example cover invoices in DEM or FRF.


General basic data and a customer must exist. 

System Effects

When a Customer Check has been entered and saved, all matched invoices are paid, and an Open Customer Check ledger item is created with the full Check amount. If the Check is not fully matched, the remaining part will create a new Payment on Account or a Difference Item with the unmatched amount. A voucher will be created in the hold table in IFS Accounting Rules.


Customer Check

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Check


To Enter Customer Check Information:

  1. Open Customer Check window. Click New.
  2. Enter the Check information, one line per check.
  3. When you save the information, a message will appear stating that the check is not fully matched. Click OK in the message box if you want to create a payment on account for the check. Click Cancel to proceed with the Match Check with Customer Invoices activity.