Create Payment Document Proposal


This activity is used to create a payment document proposal for one or more customer invoice installments due for payment that are either manually selected by you, or match a specified selection criteria. Payment document proposals facilitate the payment of selected customer invoice installments using customer bills of exchange and customer checks.


Customer invoice/invoice installments in the state PostedAuth/PartlyPaidAuth must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, invoices covered by the document proposal can be printed on a payment document like a Bill of Exchange.


Payment Document Proposals

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Document Proposals 
Create Payment Document Proposal


  1. Open the Payment Document Proposals window.
  2. Right-click and select Create Proposal to open the dialog box Create Payment Document Proposal.
  3. Select Invoice Date if you want invoices to be included in the payment document proposal to be selected based on the date on which the invoice is created. Select Due Date if you want invoices to be included in the payment document proposal to be selected based on the date on which the invoice is due to be paid.
  4. Enter values in fields From and To in the section Invoice Date (if Invoice Date is selected) or in the section Current Due Date (if Due Date is selected) to specify the period from which invoices must be taken and included  in the payment document proposal.
  5. Specify the customers whose invoices you want to include in the payment document proposal.
  6. Specify the customer groups from which you want invoices to be selected and included in the payment document proposal.
  7. Select the check box Use only Default Payment Method if you want the payment to be made for each individual customer using only the default payment method defined in the tab window Customer/ Payment/ Payment Methods.
  8. Specify the date on which the invoices included in the proposal should be paid in the Payment Date field. (Note that the system date is automatically entered in this field if you select the Calculate Interest and Fine check box. However, you can modify it if required.)
  9. Clear the check box Include Customer With Negative Balance if you want to exclude the invoices of customers whose total amount due is negative.
  10. Select the Calculate Interest and Fine check box to calculate interest and fine amounts for late payments of invoices.
  11. Click OK to load the payment document proposal to the window Payment Document Proposals

Note: You can also start with an empty proposal. Click New. Creation date is set to system date (today's date), From Invoice Date and To Invoice Date fields automatically set to system date. Click Save. The Proposal Id is assigned and Status is set to Created automatically when you save.