Print Customer Payment Order


The Print Customer Payment Order activity is used for printing payment orders. The report contains all included items for a given payment order. You can choose between printing as a file or as a draft.


System Effects

This entry does not cause any system effects. It is only for information purposes.


Customer Payment Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Payment Orders

Print Payment Order


To Print Direct Debiting Order:

  1. Open Payment Orders. Populate or Query for the actual payment order.
  2. Right click and click Print Order to open the Report Print dialog box.
  3. Select the Exclude Payment Address Information check box if you want to exclude printing the payment address information in the report and if you do not want to group the payment order printout by the payment address presentation. Note: If this check box is not selected then the payment address information will be printed in the report and the report will be grouped by the payment address presentation. If the payment address presentation is not defined for the payment format, then, the report will be grouped by the account.
  4. Click Preview to view a preview of the report.
  5. Click OK to print the report.