DOP Order/Tree Structure

[To Make to Order Planning]


Use this tab to view a graphic display of a specified DOP order and to see the detail data associated with any selected level within that structure. The display is on the left side of the window, and the data is on the right. If only the superior DOP order appears in the graphic, double-click on that node to display its structure levels. That same double-click causes a display, to the right, of the DOP supply data for the superior DOP order.

To view the supply data for any node displayed in a structure, click on it once. Supply data can be shown for any node identified as a DOP Order, a Purchase Requisition, a Shop Order, or Inventory Reservation. The field definitions for each of these supply types are covered in corresponding documentation titled, respectively, DOP Order Supply Information, Purchase Requisition Supply Information, Shop Order Supply Information, and Inventory Reservation

Few of the Right-mouse button options available in this tab are explained in detail below;

Status of order Color of node
Created Light Green
Unreleased Light Green
Netted Orange
Released Green
Started Cyan
Cancelled Gray
Closed Dark Blue

Activity Diagrams

Maintain DOP plan/orders


View DOP supply