Analyze Latest Configuration Changes


This activity is used to analyze the latest changes done in the current configuration. The status of each change can be Attached, Detached or Modified.

The data displayed in the dialog box is the old and new value or quantity for the characteristics.

The characteristic that is changed is marked for reference in the table.


System Effects

As a result of this activity,


Customer Order
Sales Quotation
Shop Order
DOP Header
DOP Order
Interim Demand Header

Related Window Descriptions

Create, Edit, View Configuration


  1. If you are on the window in which the configurable part is displayed, right-click and point to Configuration. Then click either Create or Edit. If you are on the Configuration Template window, right-click and then click Edit Template. The Edit Configuration window appears, displaying the list of the configuration characteristics and their defined values for the part.
  2. To add or change a characteristic value, either change the value in the Characteristic Value field, or select the row and click List. If the List of Values is available, select the required value and click OK. If the List of Values is not available, click in the field and enter or change the value.
  3. If you want to analyze the latest changes, right-click and then click Latest Changes. The Latest Changes dialog box opens.
  4. Analyze the changes and close the dialog box to continue with the configuration.