Define and Maintain Configuration Sales Rule Template


This activity is used to define configuration sales rule templates that determine the sales rules to be evaluated during configuration so the user is able to configure a product that can be produced. Sales rule template has the same functionality that exists in the Sales Rule window. The difference is that a template is based on the configuration family while the sales rule is directly connected to the base part revision. Also, a template can be linked and connected to a sales rule in the Sales Rule window  when a template ID is connected to a sales rule. The status handling consists of three different states, Planned, Released, Obsolete. The Planned status is used during setup, Released status must be used when a connected part configuration revision is released, and Obsolete status is used when you do not want new sales rules to be connected.

When you create sales rules in a template, all configurable parts connected to the same configuration family can use the same template. Connected sales rules simplify the maintenance of the sales rules.

Sales rule setup is divided into two types: Conditions and Actions. Conditions are logical expressions that determine if the action section should be launched or not. If the condition evaluates to true, then the actions get triggered. Actions are a type of command that allows you to modify the configuration based on the current values in the configuration. For instance, it is possible to add or remove characteristics/options from a configuration, set a characteristic/option to Unavailable/Available, calculate values or quantities, etc. For more information about conditions and actions, see About Sales Configurator.


System Effects

A sales rule is created and associated with a configuration family. When a sales rule template is connected to a part configuration revision, the sales rules are evaluated online during a configuration.


Sales Rule Template

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Rule
Sales Rule Template
Sales Rule Formula
Sales Rule Combination
Sales Rule Message


Defining a Sales Rule Template Header:

  1. Create a new template, click New (F5).
  2. Select a configuration family in the Config Family ID field using the List of Values.
  3. Add a name for the Template ID field, and a description in the Template Description field.
  4. Save the template header.   
  5. Click in the the Sales Rule Name field and click New (F5).
  6. Add the name for the sales rule and a sales rule description. (You can edit the name and description after saving if needed.)
  7. If you want to change the sequence number for the new sales rule (so the sales rule appears in correct place in the tree structure), you can modify the value in the  Sequence No field manually.
  8. Save the sales rule.
  9. If you want to disable the sales rule (i.e., if you do not want the sales rule to be evaluated during configuration), select the Disabled check box and save.  

Defining Conditions:

  1. In the Conditions section, click New (F5) or click + in the table.
  2. In the Operator field, select either AND or OR if this is a compound condition (this line is in addition to the first line). No logical operator is required if this is the first condition line.
  3. In the ( field, select ( Open Paren if this condition line is to be grouped inside parentheses; otherwise leave null.
  4. Select a value from the Type 1 list and then select a Combination Value 1 from the List of Values. You can also select both the type and the value from the list of values values of the Value 1 field. In the list of values you can select Characteristic, Formulas, Characteristic Qty, Combination or Order Info. The available values of each type is automatically displayed. 
  5. Select a relational operator from the Relation list. The default value is Equal To.
  6. Select a value from the Type 2 list and then select a Combination Value 2 from the List of Values. If the type 1 value is a discrete characteristic, click the List of Values (F8) and select a valid discrete option value. To do so, type 1 must be Characteristic Value, combination value 1 must be a discrete characteristic, and type 2 must be an Entered Value. 
  7. Click Save (F12).

Defining Actions:

  1. In the Actions section, click New.
  2. In the Action Type field, chose the type you want to use for the action. 
  3. In the Item field, click List of Values (F8) and select the value you want to handle.
  4. Select a value from the Value Type list.
  5. In the Value field, select a value that is available depending on the action type and the value type you select. If you do not want to add a value leave it empty. This is the value that will be set to the configuration if you, for instance, select a characteristic value. 
  6. If you want to set or change a quantity in the configuration, select a quantity type and a quantity.   
  7. Click Save (F12).

Sequence Handling:

  1. Select the sales rule name of which you want to change the sequence number.
  2. Modify the value in the Sequence No field manually and save. 
  3. Another way to modify the sequence is by using the drag-and-drop operation.
  4. Select the sales rule in the tree structure that you want to move to another place in the tree structure.
  5. Drag the sales rule up in tree structure to the place you want and drop. The sales rule will be placed above the sales rule you dropped it on.
  6. Or drag the sales rule down the tree structure to the place it where you want and drop. The sales rule will now be placed below the sales rule you dropped it on.