Connect Document to Phrase


Use this activity to connect a document to predefined phrase within a specified time period. This automatically prints a predefined phrase on a specified document within the time period. This optional task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Document Text Administration

Related Window Descriptions

 Document Text Administration/Document Phrases


  1. Open the Document Text Administration window.
  2. Click the Document Phrases tab.
  3. In the Document field, search for the document to connect to the phrase. The document description is populated.
  4. In the Valid From date, enter the starting date of the period during which the phrase will print.
  5. In the Valid To date, enter the ending date of the period during which the phrase will print.
  6. In the Phrase ID field, select the phrase ID from the List of Values. The phrase description is populated.
  7. Save the changes.