View External File Log


Use this activity to view all logged information associated with an external load.

During the processing of an external input or output file, information associated with each processing step will be logged. This information can be useful to find out when a specific activity/step was performed, how many records that was processed in each step etc.


A processing of an external input or output file must have been performed, either completely or just some of the involved steps.

System Effects



External File Log

Related Window Descriptions

External File Transactions
External File Log
External File Log Detail


Can be performed according to the following:

  1. Open the External File Log window.
  2. Find the external load by using Populate or Query.
  3. View the load information


  1. Open the External File Transactions window.
  2. Find the external load by using Populate or Query.
  3. Right-click in the header part and then click External File Log to launch the External File Log window with the current file load id pre-selected.
  4. View the log information.