Enter Fixed Assets Info per Company


This activity is used to enter basic data to control the functionality of IFS/Fixed Assets.


In order to perform this activity, a company must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, all fixed asset objects of your company will be controlled by parameters defined for the company.



Related Window Descriptions

Company/Fixed Assets


To enter fixed assets information per company:

  1. Open the Company window and query for the company for which you want to enter fixed assets information.
  2. Create a new record in the Fixed Assets tab.
  3. Select the Allow Multiple Code String for Acquisition check box if you want to enter different code strings for acquisition and additional investment functions.
  4. Select the Custodian Mandatory check box if you want every fixed asset object entered for the company to be connected to a custodian.
  5. Select the Physical Location Mandatory check box if you want every fixed asset object entered for the company to be connected to a physical location.
  6. Select the Write Depreciation Log check box if you want the system to generate a depreciation log for each depreciation proposal created for the company.
  7. Save the information.