Enter Supplier Invoice Workflow Info
This activity is used to enter the information to be used when
the company uses the Supplier Invoice Workflow feature.
You can also enter information to set up
IFS/Documentation Management on the Invoice/Supplier Invoice Workflow/Document
tab in the
Company window, to be used when
checking in invoice images.
- The company must have values on the following tabs;
- Company/Address;
- Company/Invoice/General
- Company/Invoice/Tax Information
- The Use Posting Proposal check box must have
been selected on
General tab under Invoice.
- IFS/Supplier Invoice
Workflow must have been installed.
System Effects
The information will be used when using the supplier
invoice workflow feature.
Related Window Descriptions
Invoice Workflow
Company/Supplier/Invoice/Supplier Invoice
Workflow/Document Management
To enter general information for supplier invoice workflow:
- Open the
Company window.
- Query for the company ID.
- Click the
Invoice tab, and then the
Supplier Invoice
Workflow tab.
- Select the Add Empty Posting Line check box if you want to add an empty
posting line automatically for the posting proposal, when there are no
authorizers added to the posting proposal of the invoice.
- Select the Validations at Posting Entry check box if you want
validations relating to code part values and tax correspondence to take
place at the time of saving an entry.
- Select on what level the authorizer authentication
should be performed for the company in the Authorizer Authentication list.
the Authorizer Routing list, specify how the authorization of
postings should be performed, when there are more than one authorizer for a
posting line.
the Inherit Authorizer(s) From Purchase check box if you want to use
the same authorizers who are in the purchase order or the purchase requisition
to be used with the posting proposal.
the Inherit Requisitioner As Acknowledger check box if you want to
use the purchase requisitioner in the purchase order as the
acknowledger for the posting.
you want to make it a must for two authorizers to authorize a posting
which exceeds a specific limit, select the Two Authorizers Required check
box. You can specify the limit which requires two authorizers in the Amount
that Requires Two Authorizers field.
the One Authorizer Required if PO Ref Exists check box if you want
only one authorizer to authorize a posting when it is connected to a
purchase order.
the information.
To set up IFS/Document Management to work with the supplier invoice
- Make sure you have information specified on the
Invoice Workflow/General tab in the
Company window.
- Click the Document Management tab.
- Specify the path to where the invoice image should be moved in the Backup
Path field.
- Select whether to use the path in the file or an FTP
server to retrieve the invoice image in the File Options section.
- If you select to use a FTP server to download the
invoices from, specify the user name and the password to be used to log on to
the FTP server in the Ftp User and Ftp Password fields.
- You can also specify other FTP parameters like the
name of the FTP server, FTP port, and the FTP directory in the relevant