Define Company Identity


This activity is the first step to be performed when creating a new company. The following must be specified:

Company ID
This is the identification code of the company. The length of the ID can be up to 20 characters.

Company Name
This is the name or description of the company.

Create as Template Company
A company is by default created as non-template company. It is, however, possible to define the company as a template company, meaning that vouchers cannot be created in this company. The main reason for creating a template company is to be able to use the Application to define a suitable and consistent company setup that can serve as source for the creation of a company template or for the creation of new companies.



System Effects


Create Company Assistant

Related Window Descriptions

Create Company Assistant 


  1. First ensure that you have specified the ID correctly, i.e., that this is a not existing company.
  2. Enter the company name, i.e., a descriptive text of the company.
  3. If required, specify the company as a template company.
  4. Go to the next page or cancel the wizard.