List of Object Properties - Maintenance

Object properties are automatically loaded in to the application based on the components that are installed. The following tables list a set of object properties that are used in IFS Maintenance and IFS Service Management.


Property Name Description Possible Property Values
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN Display the authorizer's signature automatically for personnel lines. TRUE or FALSE
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_EXP Display the authorizer's signature automatically for expense lines. TRUE or FALSE
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_EXT Display the authorizer's signature automatically for external lines. TRUE or FALSE
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_TOOL Display the authorizer's signature automatically for tool-and-facility lines. TRUE or FALSE
AUTO_INHERIT_WO_SIGN Determines if modifications in the Executed By field in the Prepare Work Order/General tab should affect new and existing jobs and operation lines. If this property is set to TRUE, all empty jobs and non allocated operation lines inherit the executed by value and error messages are sent if the maintenance organization or craft ID is not valid for the signature. It also replaces the executed by value on jobs/operation lines where an executer exists. If this property is set to FALSE, a change in the General tab does not affect any new or existing jobs or operation lines. If this property is set to QUERY, a message inquiring if the modification should affect existing jobs and operation lines is sent to the user. TRUE, FALSE or QUERY
CONNECTION_TYPE Defines which connection type should be set as the default connection type when creating objects, work orders and service lines. EQUIPMENT, CATEGORY or VIM
DEF_AUTH_SIGN The signature that should be displayed by default. E.g., SYS i.e., a valid user identity.
DIS_ALLOC_ON_GANTT Determines if rescheduling of allocations on the upper Gantt is possible, or not. If this property is set to TRUE, only the allocation information on the upper Gantt is displayed and no rescheduling is possible on the upper Gantt. If this property is set to FALSE, the planning information on the upper Gantt is displayed and rescheduling is possible. TRUE or FALSE
DIS_PLAN_SCH_WO Determines if all planning dates on a work order should be automatically calculated when a service contract is added, or not. TRUE or FALSE
ICON_DIRETORY Determines the location of the icon directory. <Enter the location of the directory>
INHERIT_OBJECT_ID Determines if the identity of the child object inherits the identity of the parent object as a prefix in an object structure. If this property is set to TRUE the parent object identity will -by default- be appended to the child object's identity upon saving (only applicable for functional objects). The two identities can be separated using the OBJ_LEVEL_SEPARATOR. TRUE or FALSE
ISOLATION_CHANGE_DATE Determines if the following dates can be changed once the status of the isolation order is set to Preparation Approved or Establishment Started: Planned Establishment Completed, Planned Re-establishment Started and Planned Re-establishment Completed. TRUE or FALSE
MANUAL_EXPENSE Determines if vouchers can be created for manually entered expense lines. If this property is set to NO BOOKINGS, no expense transactions are created, and this is also the value to which to upgrade. If this property is set to BOOKING, expense transactions are created. If this property is set to NONE, manual expense posting lines will not be allowed. This is the value for fresh installations.  NONE, NO BOOKINGS or BOOKING
MANUAL_EXTERNAL Determines if vouchers can be created for manually entered external lines. If this property is set to NO BOOKINGS, no external transactions are created, and this is also the value to which to upgrade. If this property is set to BOOKING, external transactions are created. If this property is set to NONE, manual external posting lines will not be allowed. This is the value for fresh installations.  NONE, NO BOOKINGS or BOOKING
MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS The maximum number of results that should be retrieved into the Free Time Search window. A numeric value.
OBJ_LEVEL_SEPARATOR The symbol that can be used to separate the parent and child object identities if INHERIT_OBJECT_ID is set to TRUE. Comma (,) or hyphen (-)
PARTIAL_WO_ON_GANTT Determines if the Work Order Scheduling Gantt (the lower Gantt in Resource Allocation Gantt window), should display all work orders and PM actions having a planned date in the queried time interval or only work orders and PM actions that have been planned to be completed within the queried time frame. If this property is set to TRUE, the queried interval is considered and all work orders and PM actions fully or partially planned within the search interval are shown in lower Gantt. If this property is set to FALSE, then both the planned start and planned finish date/time of the work orders and PM actions needs to be within the queried time interval. TRUE OR FALSE
PERIOD_DISTR_METHOD Determines what method should be used for period allocations on service contracts. Use Proportional to allocate the amount according to the exact number of days that falls into each period within the date interval. Use Even to allocate the amount evenly between each period within the date interval, regardless of the number of days in each period. Use Mixed to allocate the amount according to the exact number of days that falls into each period which is not completely covered by the date interval, e.g. the first and last period. All periods completely included in the date interval are allocated evenly, regardless of the number of days in each period. Proportional, Even or Fixed
PERMIT_CHANGE_DATE Determines if the Valid To date of a permit can be changed once the status is set to Preparation Approved or Released. TRUE or FALSE
PM_PLAN_HORIZON The limit up to which a PM Plan can be generated. A 4 digit number representing the year e.g., 2007
PM_PLAN_OPERATION Defines if you can plan jobs and operations on a PM Plan level, i.e., for each PM Plan row. TRUE or FALSE
PREDECESSOR_SEP Defines the symbol that can be used to separate the predecessors per operation. Comma (,) or hyphen (-)
PROJ_UPDATE_METHOD Determines if the project cost should be updated directly (ONLINE) or in the batch (BATCH). ONLINE or BATCH
SEARCH_LIMIT_DAYS The number of days a search should span by default.  A numeric value.
SHOW_DONE_WO Display historical work orders (i.e., those in status Work Done and above) in the Gantt windows. TRUE or FALSE
STRUCTURE_DATE_FROM The date from which the costs and revenues of the objects should be displayed in Equipment Object Cost/Revenue Analysis window by default. E.g., 2007-01-1- 12:01:00AM
STRUCTURE_DATE_TO The date until which the costs and revenues of the objects should be displayed in Equipment Object Cost/Revenue Analysis window by default. E.g., 2007-01-23 09:01:57PM
STRUCTURE_SEL_TYPE The selection category, i.e. as to how you would like to view the cost and revenues in Equipment Object Cost/Revenue Analysis window by default. If you set this property to Exclude Project Cost/Revenue, the project cost is not included in the analysis. If you set this property to Include Project Cost/Revenue, the project cost is included. If you set this property to Show Project, the project costs of a project selected by you will be included. Exclude Project Cost/Revenue, Include Project Cost/Revenue or Show Project
SRVCON_DOC_OUTPUT The document text that should be displayed in the customer order once a service contract (or service line) is invoiced. Any value (e.g., DOC_123). Note: the value you enter has to be included as the output type in Document Text Administration/Output Types. Add document 4 (Customer Order Confirmation) as the document type.
SRVCON_PERIOD_ALLOC Determines if periodic allocations should be enabled for service contracts, or not. TRUE or FALSE
SRVQUO_DOC_OUTPUT The document output type in order to create document texts when creating revenue transactions for maintenance orders. Any value (e.g., DOC_123). Note: the value you enter has to be included as the output type in Document Text Administration/Output Types.
WEEK_FORMAT Enter how weeks should be displayed in the application when generating PM actions or defining a start week for a PM action. E.g., |Y|W
PART_CERT_DOC_CLASS The default document class to use when manually storing approved part certificates in IFS Document Management. <Enter the valid document class>


The following object properties are related to the integration between IFS Applications and 360 Scheduling.

Property Name Description Possible Property Values
ACTWO_DEFAULT_STATE Makes it possible to set the lowest status from which work orders can be transferred for scheduling. E.g., Released
LOAD_TRANSFER The default protocol that will be used to transfer all data to the Scheduling Engine. If the protocol is not defined on the scheduling task, this value will be used. 360_HTTP or 360_FILE
CHANGE_TRANSFER The default protocol that will be used to transfer changes to the Scheduling Engine. If the protocol is not defined on the scheduling task, this value will be used. 360_HTTP or 360_FILE
SCHEDULE_RECEIVER Makes it possible to define the data that should be included in application messages, i.e., the messages which are produced for the scheduled tasks used to transfer data to the Scheduling Engine. The data entered in the property value for this object parameter will be shown on the detail for each message.
  • #DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset entered on the scheduled task.
  • #INPUT_TYPE# - The input type entered on the scheduled task, e.g., LOAD, CHANGE and STOP.
  • #TRANSFER_ID# - The transfer ID which is generated when sending the messages to 360 Scheduling.
  • #SUBMISSION_TYPE# - Valid values are CHANGE when timeline information is sent, TIMELINE when empty or the same value as #INPUT_TYPE#.
  • #RECORD_COUNT# - The number of records in the Sch360_Transfer table marked for transfer. Only applicable for CHANGE messages. For LOAD messages it will contain *.
  • #PROCESS_TYPE# - The process type from the dataset, i.e., DYNAMIC or STATIC.
  • #COMPANY# - The company from the dataset.
  • #JOB_ID# - The identity of the background job. Only applicable if running as a background job.
  • #URL# - The address of the application server, e.g., http://<server name>:<port>.
  • #DB_NAME# - The name of the database.
  • #DB_HOST# - The name of the server the database is hosted on.
  • #EXTERNAL_DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset used in 360 Scheduling. This can be either :
    • Dataset Prefix^Dataset ID, if a dataset prefix has been defined or
    • The same as the dataset identity if no dataset prefix has been defined.
SCHEDULE_INFO Makes it possible to define the data that should be included in application messages, i.e., the messages which are produced for the scheduled tasks used to transfer data to the Scheduling Engine. The data entered in the property value for this object parameter will be shown in the overview for each message.
  • #DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset entered on the scheduled task.
  • #INPUT_TYPE# - The input type entered on the scheduled task, e.g., LOAD, CHANGE and STOP.
  • #TRANSFER_ID# - The transfer ID which is generated when sending the messages to 360 Scheduling.
  • #SUBMISSION_TYPE# - Valid values are CHANGE when timeline information is sent, TIMELINE when empty or the same value as #INPUT_TYPE#.
  • #RECORD_COUNT# - The number of records in the Sch360_Transfer table marked for transfer. Only applicable for CHANGE messages. For LOAD messages it will contain *.
  • #PROCESS_TYPE# - The process type from the dataset, i.e., DYNAMIC or STATIC.
  • #COMPANY# - The company from the dataset.
  • #JOB_ID# - The identity of the background job. Only applicable if running as a background job.
  • #URL# - The address of the application server, e.g., http://<server name>:<port>.
  • #DB_NAME# - The name of the database.
  • #DB_HOST# - The name of the server the database is hosted on.
  • #EXTERNAL_DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset used in 360 Scheduling. This can be either :
    • Dataset Prefix^Dataset ID, if a dataset prefix has been defined or
    • The same as the dataset identity if no dataset prefix has been defined.
DATASET_PREFIX The prefix that could be appended to a Dataset ID. Makes it possible to use the same Dataset ID in many environments while using a single 360 Scheduling installation. The value entered is used to create the External Dataset ID. Any value (e.g., COMP10), including a substitution variable (e.g., #DB_HOST#)