Assign User Access to Cancellation Causes


This activity is used to assign cancellation causes to the selected user.

When canceling a maintenance task you can only use the causes assigned to you. Therefore, you must have access to a minimum of one cancellation cause to be able to cancel maintenance tasks in a workshop.

For work orders and work order operations, user access will only be used if the USE_CNCL_CAUSE_ACCSS object property is set to TRUE when canceling a work order or an operation on a work order. If the value of this object property is FALSE, you can view all the cancellation causes.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, one or more canceling causes are assigned to the user. He or she is able to cancel maintenance tasks.


Operation Basic Data
Maintenance Task Basic Data 

Related Window Descriptions

Operation Basic Data
Operation Basic Data/Cancel Cause Access
Maintenance Task Basic Data 
Maintenance Task Basic Data/Cancel Cause Access 


Follow this procedure to assign selected canceling causes to the user:

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window or the Maintenance Task Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Cancel Cause Access tab and query (F3) for the necessary user.
  3. Create a new record (F5). 
  4. Enter a canceling cause in the Cancel Cause field. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. Save the record (F12).

Follow this procedure to assign all existing canceling causes to the user:

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window or the Maintenance Task Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Cancel Cause Access tab and query (F3) for the necessary user.
  3. Right-click anywhere on the header of the tab and then click Assign All Causes. This will automatically assign all existing task cancellation causes to the selected user.