Connect Employee to Craft


This activity is used to connect an employee to one or more crafts. One craft ID must be set as the default craft for the employee. The craft IDs connected to the employee indicates the skill set of an employee. When entering a craft line on a work order and selecting an employee, the default craft ID for the employee will be selected automatically. Also, when an employee reports time on a work order the default craft ID will appear on the time report line.

The hourly rate for the craft will be used to calculate the personnel cost related to the work order. An employee needs to be connected to a craft if you are planning to schedule a work order using IFS/CBS. This connection enables the CBS server to decide which employee will be able to fulfill the requirement of the craft.


System Effects


Organization Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Organization Basic Data 
Organization Basic Data/Link Employees/Crafts


  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window and click the Link Employees/Crafts tab. Create a new record (F5).The user's default site is displayed in the Site field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value, if necessary. The List of Values will display the sites that the user is connected to.
  2. Enter the employee that you want to connect to the craft. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value. The Signature, Name, Maint. Org., Maint. Org. Site fields will be populated automatically.
  3. Specify the competence of the employee in the Craft ID field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value. 
  4. Select Yes in the Default Craft field if you want the craft identity to be the default value for the employee.
  5. Save the information (F12).