Spare Parts

The spare part list is meant to be a list of the material/parts you expect to need when performing maintenance to the project item. Any defined part can be used in a spare part list, and any defined item can have a spare part list. The spare part list can be included when transferring a project to IFS Maintenance (menu item Transfer To Maintenance, available from the Delivery Projects window). In IFS Maintenance, the spare part list will be used when generating work orders.

The Spare Parts window displays all the spare parts that have been assigned to all the projects. Any defined part can be used in a spare part list, and any item can have a spare part list.

The menu options Import Standard Structure and Copy Std Structure that can be started from Project Product/Items will include the spare part lists from IFS/PDM Configuration. This will be the engineers' best guess on which parts should be kept as spares for the item.


Creating: Spare parts can be added to a project item's list in Project Item/Spare Parts tab or in Project Item/Multilevel tab by using the menu option Add to Spare List.

Modifying: Changes must be made in Project Item/Spare Parts. The Quantity and Information fields can be modified.

Removing: Spare parts can be removed from a spare part list in Project Item/Spare Parts.