Register Change Request (CR)


Evaluate the engineering requirements to implement, postpone, or reject. The requirements should be registered as engineering change requests. The purpose of registering CRs is to gather all errors, possibilities for improvement, etc., that are identified. Each CR is then evaluated. If the CR is to be implemented, a corresponding change order (CO) is created to authorize the work.

The default value in the CR Status field is Preliminary. This means that the CR needs to be completed. Other values for CR Status are Active, Processed, and Cancelled.


System Effects


Change Requests
Engineering Part Revision/

Related Window Descriptions

Change Requests
Change Order
Connected Objects
/Change Request


  1. Open Change Requests and create a new record
  2. Either enter a CR number in the Request No field or leave the field blank to have the system assign a number.
  3. Enter description, CR Type, and CR Level. (the List of Values is available for CR Type and CR Level.)
  4. Enter any other information you want the record to show.
  5. Save the record.

Alternatively, you can create a CR from an associated object, such as an engineering part revision:

  1. Select the engineering part revision in Engineering Part Revision/Revision, or select your object in an appropriate window.
  2. In Attachments select the New right mouse button menu option.
  3. Fill in the fields in the appearing dialog box. If you leave the CR Number field empty, a number will automatically be generated.
  4. Click OK.
  5. A new CR is now created with a connection to the engineering part revision.