IFS Maintenance Information Sources in IFS Business Analytics

Information sources are a combination of facts and dimensions which are structured and holds information about a specific transaction table in IFS Applications. Currently there are 3 information sources based on IFS Maintenance. One or many of these information sources can be used when creating an IFS Business Analytics report.

An overview of each information source, which is mainly based on IFS Maintenance, is given below:

Work Order Actuals

General Description

The purpose of this information source, which is mainly based on IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance, is to provide the user with necessary facts and dimensions to analyze Actual Costs and Revenues on the work order.


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

Main Features

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Work Order Planned

General Description

The purpose of this information source, which is mainly based on IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance, is to provide the user with necessary facts and dimensions to analyze Planned Costs and Revenues on the work order.


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

Main Features

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Work Order Budget

General Description

The purpose of this information source, which is mainly based on IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance, is to provide the user with necessary facts and dimensions to analyze Budget Costs and Revenues on the work order.


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

Main Features

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Work Order

General Description

The purpose of this information source, which is mainly based on IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance, is to provide the user with necessary facts and dimensions to analyze different aspects of the work order.


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

The following calculated measure items exists on this Information Source:

Measure Item Description
WORK_ORDER_COUNT Always "1". Used to count occurrences of work orders for different dimensions.
ELAPSED_EXECUTION_TIME The difference in hours between Actual Finish date and Actual Start date. Non-working hours have been removed.
ELAPSED_WAITING_TIME The difference in hours between Actual Start date and Registration Date. Non-working hours have been removed.
LATE_ACTUAL_VS_REQ_START This is a measure of how well the business is doing to start work compared to when it absolutely has to be started in order to meet Requested Finish date.

Is "1" if Actual Start date is later than Late Start date.
Is "0" if Actual Start date is earlier or equal to Late Start date.
LATE_ACTUAL_VS_REQ_COMPL This is a measure of how well the business is doing to finish work compared to when it was requested to finish.

Is "1" if Actual Finish date is later than Requested Finish date.
Is "0" if Actual Finish date is earlier or equal to Requested Finish date.

LATE_ACTUAL_VS_SLA_START This is a measure of how well the business is doing to start work compared to when it was requested to start based on contractual SLA commitments.

Is "1" if Actual Start date is later than SLA Requested Start date.
Is "0" if Actual Start date is earlier or equal to SLA Requested Start date.

LATE_ACTUAL_VS_SLA_COMPL This is a measure of how well the business is doing to finish work compared to when it was requested to finish based on contractual SLA commitments.

Is "1" if Actual Finish date is later than SLA Requested Finish date.
Is "0" if Actual Finish date is earlier or equal to SLA Requested Finish date.

LATE_ACTUAL_VS_PLANNED_START This is a measure of how well the business is doing to start work compared to when it said it should start, i.e, a measure of the planning and scheduling process.

Is "1" if Actual Start date is later than Planned Start date.
Is "0" if Actual Start date is earlier or equal to Planned Start date.

LATE_ACTUAL_VS_PLANNED_COMPL This is a measure of how well the business is doing to finish work compared to when it said it should finish, i.e, a measure of the planning and scheduling process.

Is "1" if Actual Finish date is later than Planned Finish date.
Is "0" if Actual Finish date is earlier or equal to Planned Finish date.

ORIGINATED_FROM_FAULT Is "1" if the work order started as a fault report or a service request.
Is "0" if not.


Main Features

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