IFS Asset Design Information Sources in IFS Business Analytics

Information sources are a combination of facts and dimensions which are structured and holds information about a specific transaction table in IFS Asset Design Applications. Currently there are 2 information sources based on IFS Asset Design. One or many of these information sources can be used when creating an IFS Business Analytics report.

An overview of each information source mainly based on IFS Asset Design is given below:

Design Object Bill of Material

General Description

The purpose of this information source, which is mainly based on IFS/Asset Design, is to enable the user to create Bill of Material reports based on Design Object Additional Part information. For example a report could be designed to display a pipeline design object and its components like pipe, elbows, flanges, tees and valves which constitute the Bill of Material for the design object.

These reports mainly focus on displaying Design Objects with Additional Part identities and its quantities. Other additional part related information like Drawing Number, Position and Notes can also be displayed. In addition, Plant and Project related parameters could be used to configure and filter the resulting reports.


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Design Object Specification

General Description

The purpose of this information source, which is mainly based on IFS/Asset Design, is to enable the user to create reports of Equipment Lists and to generate Equipment Data Sheets based on Design Object Specifications. Information such as Object ID, Description and Technical Data about a single Design Object is displayed in an Equipment Data Sheet whereas the same type information about several Design Objects is displayed in an Equipment List.

A report could be designed, for example, to list all cables of class 'CONTROL CABLE'. It could further be enhanced to display and sum up all cable lengths (technical specification) filtered on a specific Design Part.


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