Adjust Vehicle Distribution


This activity is used to adjust the budget values for one or more vehicles included in the operational budget. When you define a new budget, the budget value for the year will automatically be divided and distributed evenly over the twelve months. These monthly budget values are then distributed evenly over all the vehicle parts. 

Observe the following example:
An operational budget with a budget value of 75,000 engine hours (EHR) is created for a given year. This budget value is calculated by the system, and the Budget Month tab will display 6250 EHR every month.    
Assume you have two vehicles, for instance, AIRCRAFT 747 and AIRCRAFT 743, belonging to the given part number and owner combination. The monthly budget value of 6250 EHR is divided by the number of vehicles, and each vehicle on the Vehicles tab will automatically receive 3125 EHR as the budget value for the year. During the month of January, suppose AIRCRAFT 747 will run an additional 100 EHR. This  100 EHR will be deducted from the budget for AIRCRAFT 743 and added to AIRCRAFT 747's budget for the month of January. The new budget values for the month of January on the two vehicles are as follows: 3225 EHR (AIRCRAFT 747) and 3025 EHR (AIRCRAFT 743).   

The budget value for the vehicle can be updated, provided that the budget values have not been approved and the total value after the adjustment equals the existing yearly budget value. This will prevent any errors been generated when the budget is approved. 


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the utilization of vehicles per month will be adjusted in accordance to the operational budget.  


Operational Budget

Related Window Descriptions

Operational Budget/Vehicles


Follow this procedure to adjust the budget value of a vehicle for selected months

  1. Open the Operational Budget window.
  2. Query (F3) for the operational budget that has not been approved.
  3. Click the Vehicles tab.
  4. Enter the distributed budget values in the Budget Value field for the vehicle and months you require.
  5. Save the record (F12).