Redistribute Year


This activity is used to update and recalculate budget values for the given months and vehicle parts. This procedure can be performed when the yearly budget value is changed, after it has been distributed to the monthly budgets. When you redistribute the year, all the changes made on the operational budget will be removed and the new budget value is distributed to the months and assigned vehicles. 

You cannot redistribute a year if the operational budget is approved even if only one month has been approved on the selected budget year. 


The monthly operational budget values for a given year should not have been approved. The months need to be in the Not Approved status.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the budget will be re-distributed and the monthly budget will be re-calculated.


Operational Budget

Related Window Descriptions

Operational Budget 


Follow this procedure to redistribute a year with the purpose of removing all manual changes defined on the operational budget.

  1. Open the Operational Budget window.
  2. Query (F3) for the operational budget that has not been approved.
  3. Right-click anywhere on the header of the window and then click Redistribute Year. The redistribution will automatically be carried out on the operational budget as a whole. 

Follow this procedure to redistribute the new budget value to all months and vehicle parts of the budget.

  1. Open the Operational Budget window.
  2. Query (F3) for the operational budget that has not been approved.
  3. Change the existing value in the Budget Value field.
  4. Save the record (F12).
  5. Right-click anywhere on the header and then click Redistribute Year. The redistribution will automatically be carried out on the operational budget as a whole.