DOP Order/DOP Log

[About Serial Numbers in DOP]

[To Make to Order Planning]


Use this window to view and handle the DOP logs that have occurred in the DOP module due to predefined Log Type methods. The Log Type methods that exist in the DOP module are:

Serial No Breakdown: When a DOP structure is created, the structure breakdown has stopped at a DOP Order with a serial-effective part.

Serial No Release: When a DOP structure is released, the release function has stopped due to missing reservations of serial numbers for a DOP Order with a serial-effective part.

Routing for Part: When a DOP structure is created and no buildable or plannable routing alternative exist for the part a DOP log is created, but the creation of the structure will continue.

Serial No Routing: When a DOP structure is created and the routing is serial effective and no serial numbers are reserved for the DOP order a DOP log is created, but the creation of the structure will continue.

Routing Release: When a DOP structure is released a check is done before release to see if the routing is buildable or null. If the routing still is plannable or has become obsolete a DOP log is created.

Zero Cost for Part: When standard cost is calculated, a part with zero cost and zero cost forbidden was found.

Activity Diagrams

Create DOP structure
Maintain DOP plan/orders


View DOP log
Reserve serial numbers for DOP
Create structure for serial effectivity
Add default DOP routing