Define Employee Seniority Setup


This activity is used to create seniority definitions for employees.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Seniority Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Seniority Setup


To create a seniority setup;

  1. Open the Seniority Setup window.
  2. Create a new record in the header and enter the seniority setup ID and description of the seniority in their respective fields.
  3. Select the Use Employee Age check box if the number of years an employee is associated with the seniority should only be based on the employee's age. The date of birth of employee entered in the employee files is considered to determine the employee age.

    In order to define the criteria based on the employment types, education level etc, perform the following steps.
  4. Go to the Employment Type tab and create a new record.
  5. Enter employment type in the Employment Type field by selecting a value from the list. The description of the employment type will show in the Description field.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Go to the Leaving Cause tab and create a new record.
  8. Enter reason code in the Reason for Leave field by selecting a value from the list. The description of the reason for leaving will show in the Reason for Leaving Description field.
  9. Save the information.
  10. Go to the Position tab and create a new record.
  11. Enter a position in the Position ID field by selecting a value from the list. The description of the position will show in the Position Title field.
  12. Save the information.
  13. Go to the Education Level tab and create a new record.
  14. Enter the education level in the Education Level field by selecting a value from the list.
  15. If required enter the number of years the employee is required to be connected to the education level in the Years field. If the valid period of the education level for the employee as specified in the Employee/Qualifications/Education tab should be used to calculate the number of years, leave the this field blank.
  16. Save the information.
  17. Go to the Absence Type tab and create a new record.
  18. In the Arithmetical Sign field, specify whether the any absence registered by employee using the given absence type should reduce or increase the seniority of employee. Enter Plus or Minus using the list.
  19. In the Absence Type field, enter the absence type which should either reduce or increase the seniority.
  20. Save the information.
  21. Select the record, right-click and click Reduce Absence to open the Employment Type Reduce Absence window.
  22. Create a new record and enter the required absence type in the Absence Type field. If an employee with the selected employment type has reported absence during the employment using the absence types specified in this window, the seniority will be reduced.
  23. Go to the License Type tab and create a new record.
  24. Enter a license code in the License field by selecting a value from the list. The description of the license will show in the License Name field.
  25. Save the information.
  26. Go to the Work Exp Break tab and create a new record.
  27. In the Arithmetical Sign field, specify whether the any work experience breaks registered by employee in the Employee/Qualifications/Work Experience Breaks tab using the given work experience break type should reduce or increase the seniority of employee. Enter Plus or Minus using the list.
  28. In the Work Break Type field, enter the work experience break type which should either reduce or increase the seniority.
  29. Save the information.