Define List of Values for Property Codes and Free Fields


Use this function to define the allowed values for property codes. 

In the property code and free field definition windows you can choose if the registration should use the list for validation. You can also use the list without validation and enter a list of values with suggestions or the most common values.    


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

When you define values for a property code or a free field, these values will be available via the List of Values button.


Property Field Values

Related Window Descriptions

Property Field Values


  1. Open the Property Field Definition window. Query or populate to find a property code.
  2. Select a property code, right click and click View Property Values to open the Property Field Values/Single Field tab. Or,
  3. Open the Property Field Values window, query or populate to find the property code you want. The Single Field tab will be enabled if the property code you selected does not have multiple fields defined.
  4. In the Property Field field, query to find the property field for which you want to define values.
  5. Enter a property value and property description in their respective fields.
  6. Specify the valid period of the value by entering dates in the Valid From and Valid To fields.