Define Property Codes


This activity is used to define property codes that can be used to register additional information in all companies. The context specified for the property code determines whether the property code can be used at company level or employee level etc.

If the property code context is Employee or Person, you can specify whether multiple fields should be used for the property code. If you specify that multiple fields are required, you can use the Define Multiple Fields right-click option to define the new fields.

Property codes with multiple fields are used as Info 3 data in Employee/Employment/Info 3 tab. All other property codes are used as Info 2 data in the Employee/Employment/Info 2 tab. Property codes which do not have multiple fields defined can also be converted to free fields and used as Info 1 data in Employee/Employment/Info 1 tab.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

This activity has no system effects.


Property Field Definition
Property Field Values

Related Window Descriptions

Property Field Definition
Property Field Values


  1. Open the Property Field Definition window and create a new row.
  2. Specify whether the context of the property code should be Company, Employee, Person, Job, Position, Dependent or Organization by selecting the required option from the list in the Context field.
  3. If you have selected Employee or Person as the context and if you want multiple fields to be defined for the property, select the Multiple Fields check box.

    Note: When this check box is selected, you can only modify the Multiple Records Allowed check box in this window. Otherwise, continue with the following steps;
  4. In the Property Code and Default Description fields, specify the property name and the default description that should be used when no translations exist for the description.
  5. If you want to allow more than one value to be entered for a property code when registering the property, select the Multiple Records Allowed check box.
  6. In the Data Type field, specify whether the data type should be Number, String or Date by selecting the appropriate option from the list.
  7. In the Length field, specify the number of characters that should be allowed for a property code value.
  8. If you have selected Number data type, specify the decimal separator that should be allowed for property code values in the Decimal Separator field.
  9. If you have selected Date data type, specify the date format that should be allowed for property code values in the Date Format field.
  10. In the LoV View field, specify a view that should be used as the list of values when registering property code values.
  11. Select the Use LoV for Validation check box if it should be mandatory to use the list of values when registering property code values.
  12. Save the information.