A permit is a time-limited approval or certificate, used to ensure that certain regulations or instructions are followed and/or that there is a manager’s approval before one work order, or a group of work orders are executed. The permit does not contain any information about the equipment, but is merely a certification that work can start. A work order cannot be started unless the connected permit is released.
A permit is classified using a permit type. permit types are required in order to establish a connection with isolation types so that isolation orders can be connected to a permit at a later stage. You can also specify the maximum number of connections that can exist between a permit type and an isolation type. Generally you would connect a single isolation order of one or more isolation types to a permit. However, there can be instances where several isolation orders of the same isolation type is required to be connected to a permit. This is where the number of connections comes in to play. The default number of connections between the two types is 1, and is assigned by the system when you link the two types. You can change this value according to your requirement. For example; if the number of connections between permit type PT1 and isolation type IsoT1 is 3, a permit of type PT1 can have three isolation orders of type IsoT1.
A permit can be created and connected to a work order in one of the following ways:
In options 3 and 4 above, if an isolation identity is connected to the PM action or standard job an isolation order will also be generated when a permit is created. Note: Only applicable for Separate PM actions and Standard Jobs.
Once created, you can connect isolation orders to permits based on the connections described above. This will ensure that an isolation order's establishment is completed before the permit is released, and the work order is started. Furthermore, it ensures that the re-establishment is not started until the work order is completed, and the permit is returned.
The permit contains the following statuses.