This activity is used to automatically reschedule all work order operations for a site, when the site is enabled for use with IFS/Constraint Based Scheduling.
Note: This activity is also available as a scheduled task that can be set up to run for instance during the night.
To perform this activity, the scheduling server must be up and running for the work order site.
As a result of this activity, all work orders belonging to the site will be rescheduled based on the options selected in the dialog box.
- Select Allow Reassignment if you want the scheduling server to allow work order operations to change resources already allocated to it.
- Select As Late As Possible if you want the scheduling server to place the work orders as close as possible to their required date, i.e., the date in the Latest Completion field of the work order or work order structure.
- Select Include Released Orders if you want the scheduling server to reschedule work orders that has been released but not yet started.
- Select Compress Downstream from Bottleneck if you want the scheduling server to try to keep work order operations of any given work order as close as possible to the bottleneck resource.
- Select Refresh Materials if you want the system to update the scheduling server with the current material availability profile for the site. This is done for parts that has been defined as finite parts.